PHP Functions

PHP Functions

  • A function is a code or statement block in a program.
  •  Perform some specific tasks.
  • Used repeatedly in a program.
  • Not execute automatically when a page loads.
  • Executed by a call to the function.
  • The name must start with a letter or an underscore, and NOT case-sensitive.
  • Take information’s as a parameter, executes a block of statements, or perform operations on these parameters and return the result.

Uses of functions

  • Reusability: Use a function at more than one time and in various places according to our requirement without any re-describe.  It reduces the time and repetition of a single code.
  • Easier error detection: We can detect an error easily by function because our program is divided into sub-parts which is known as functions, not in all program.
  • Easily maintained: if we want to change any value or data multiple times in a program, then we can change it in their related function, not in all programs.

Creating a Function

While creating a user-defined function we need the following things:

  1. Any name ending with an open and closed parenthesis is a function.
  2. The name always begins with the keyword function.
  3. To call a function need its name followed by the parenthesis
  4. name start with an alphabet or underscore not any number, not case-sensitive.


function function_name(){

    executable code;




function f1() 


    echo "hello php";


// Calling the function



Function Parameters or Arguments

  • Parameters:-  The information or variable, within the function’s parenthesis.
  • Hold the values during runtime.
  • Use many parameters with a comma (,) operator.
  • Parameters accept inputs during runtime.
  • Passing the values during a function call called arguments.
  • Information passed to functions through arguments. An argument is a value passed to a function as a variable and a parameter is used to hold those arguments.
  • Arguments are specified after the function name, inside the parentheses.

function function_name($first_parameter, $second_parameter) {

    executable code;




// function along with three parameters

function add($num1, $num2, $num3) 


    $product = $num1 + $num2 + $num3;

    echo "The product is $product";


// Caling the function

// Passing three arguments

add(2, 3, 5);


PHP provides us with two major types of functions:

Built-in functions :

  • Provides a huge collection of built-in library functions.
  • Already coded and stored in form of functions.
  • To use just call them as per requirement like, var_dump, fopen (), print_r(), gettype() and so on.

User-Defined Functions :

  • Create our own customized functions.
  • Can create our own packages of code and use them when they need them by calling it.

PHP is a Loosely Typed Language

  • Automatically associates a data type to the variable, depending on its value.
  • Not set in a strict sense, like adding a string to an integer without causing an error.
  • In PHP 7, type declarations were added.
  • Gives an option to specify the expected data type when declaring a function, and by adding The strict declaration, it will throw a "Fatal Error" if the data type mismatches.
  • The strict declaration forces things to be used in an intended way.


function addNumbers(int $a, int $b) {
  return $a + $b;
echo addNumbers(5, "5 days");
// since strict is NOT enabled "5 days" is changed to int(5), and it will return 10

Output :- 10

To specify strict to set declare (strict_types=1) on the very first line of the PHP file.


<?php declare(strict_types=1); // strict requirement

function addNumbers(int $a, int $b) {
  return $a + $b;
echo addNumbers(5, "5 days");
// since strict is enabled and "5 days" is not an integer, an error will be thrown


PHP Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Argument 2 passed to addNumbers() must be of the type integer, the string is given.

Variable functions (Dynamic Function Calls)

  • Function names as strings to variables and treat as variables exactly as the function name itself. 
  • This means PHP searches for a function and finds a variable which name just like the function name. So evaluates it on the variable, and will try to execute it.
  • It can be used for call-backs, function tables, etc. Variable functions won't work with language constructs such as echo, print, unset(), isset(), empty(), include, require, and the like.
  • Utilize wrapper functions to make use of any of these make as variable functions.




      <title>Dynamic Function Calls</title>




         function sayHello() {

            echo "Hello<br />";


         $function_holder = "sayHello";





Output : -


Variable functions are used in the following manner:-

Example #1 Variable function example

function foo() {
    echo "In foo()<br />\n";

function bar($arg = '')
    echo "In bar(); argument was '$arg'.<br />\n";

// This is a wrapper function around echo
function echoit($string)
    echo $string;

$func = 'foo';
$func();        // This calls foo()

$func = 'bar';
$func('test');  // This calls bar()

$func = 'echoit';
$func('test');  // This calls echoit()

Object methods can also be called with the variable functions syntax.

Example #2 Variable method example

class Foo
    function Variable()
        $name = 'Bar';
        $this->$name(); // This calls the Bar() method
    function Bar()
        echo "This is Bar";

$foo = new Foo();
$funcname = "Variable";
$foo->$funcname();  // This calls $foo->Variable()


When calling static methods, the function call is stronger than the static property operator:

Example #3 Variable method example with static properties

class Foo
    static $variable = 'static property';
    static function Variable()
        echo 'Method Variable called';

echo Foo::$variable; // This prints 'static property'. It does need a $variable in this scope.
$variable = "Variable";
Foo::$variable();  // This calls $foo->Variable() reading $variable in this scope.


Example #4 Complex callable

class Foo
    static function bar()
        echo "bar\n";
    function baz()
        echo "baz\n";

$func = array("Foo", "bar");
$func(); // prints "bar"
$func = array(new Foo, "baz");
$func(); // prints "baz"
$func = "Foo::bar";
$func(); // prints "bar"

Setting Default Values for a Function parameter

  • PHP allows us to set default argument values for function parameters.
  • If we do not pass any argument for a parameter with a default value then PHP will use the default set value for this parameter in the function call.

function function_name($first_parameter, $second_parameter=value) {

    executable code;




// function with default parameter

function def ($str, $num=18) 


    echo "$str is $num years old \n";


// Caling the function

def ("Ram", 20);

// In this call, the default value 18 

// will be considered

def ("Adam");


Returning Values from Functions

  • Return values to the part of the program from where it is called.
  • The return keyword is used to return value back to the part of the program, from where it was called.
  • The returning value may be of any type including the arrays and objects.
  • The return statement also marks the end of the function and stops the execution after that and returns the value.



// function along with three parameters

function mul($num1, $num2, $num3) 


    $product = $num1 * $num2 * $num3;

    return $product; //returning the product


// storing the returned value

$retValue = mul(2, 3, 5);

echo "The product is $retValue";


Parameter passing to Functions

Two ways

Pass by Value: 

  • Passing arguments by value.
  • The value of the argument gets changed within a function, not in the original value outside the function.
  • A duplicate of the original value is passed as an argument.

Pass by Reference: 

On passing arguments by reference (address of the value) where it is stored using ampersand sign(&).

the original value gets altered.

<?php    // pass by value  
function val ($num)
$num += 2;     
return $num;
}   // pass by reference
function ref (&$num)
$num += 10;     
return $num;
$n = 10;   
val ($n);
echo "The original value is still $n \n";   
ref ($n);
echo "The original value changes to $n";   


The original value is still 10

The original value changes to 20

The Variable Scope

  • The location of the declaration determines the extent of a variable's visibility within the PHP program.
  • where the variable can be used or accessed.
  • known as variable scope.
  • By default, variables declared within a function are local and they cannot be viewed or manipulated from outside of that function,.

<?php // Defining function

function test()


$greet = "Hello World!"; echo $greet;


test(); // Outputs: Hello World!

echo $greet; // Generate undefined variable error



$greet inside function is: Hello World!

$greet outside of function is:



$greet = "Hello World!";

// Defining function

function test(){

    echo '<p>$greet inside function is: ' . $greet . '</p>';


// Generate undefined variable error


echo '<p>$greet outside of function is: ' . $greet . '</p>';



$greet inside function is:

$greet outside of function is: Hello World!

The global Keyword

  • It visible or accessible both inside and outside the function.
  • Use the global keyword before the variables inside a function.


$greet = "Hello World!"; // Defining function

function test()


global $greet;

echo $greet;


test(); // Outpus: Hello World!

echo $greet; // Outpus: Hello World! // Assign a new value to variable $greet = "Goodbye";

test(); // Outputs: Goodbye

echo $greet; // Outputs: Goodbye



$greet inside function is: Hello World!

$greet outside of function is: Hello World!

$greet inside function is: Goodbye

$greet outside of function is: Goodbye

Recursive Functions

  • A recursive function is a function that calls itself again and again until a condition is satisfied.
  • Used to solve complex mathematical calculations, or to process deeply nested structures e.g., printing all the elements of a deeply nested array.


// Defining recursive function

function printValues($arr) {

    global $count;

    global $items;

    // Check input is an array


        die("ERROR: Input is not an array");


    /*  Loop through array, if value is itself an array recursively call the function, else add the value found to the output items array,  and increment counter by 1 for each value found     */

    foreach($arr as $a){



        } else{

            $items[] = $a;




    // Return total count and values found in array

    return array('total' => $count, 'values' => $items);


// Define nested array

$species = array(

    "birds" => array(





    "mammals" => array(


        "cat" => array(








    "reptiles" => array(

        "snake" => array(

            "Cobra" => array(

                "King Cobra",

                "Egyptian cobra"






        "Dinosaur" => array(






// Count and print values in the nested array

$result = printValues($species);

echo $result['total'] . ' value(s) found: ';

echo implode(', ', $result['values']);



16 value(s) found: Eagle, Parrot, Swan, Human, Lion, Tiger, Jaguar, Elephant, Monkey, King Cobra, Egyptian cobra, Viper, Anaconda, Crocodile, T-rex, Alamosaurus.

function recursion($a)
    if ($a < 20) {
        echo "$a\n";
        recursion($a + 1);

Recursion (5);

Output:- 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

PHP static variables

  • static variable is a variable which lifetime extends across the entire run of the program.
  • Use static keyword before the variable name.
  • The default local variables do not hold their value within repeated calls of the function.

without static example:-


function nonstatic() {

    $value = 0;

    $value += 1;

    return $value;






echo nonstatic(), "\n";




The static variables are initiated only once when the function is first called. They retain their value afterward.

static function example:-


function staticfun() {

    static $value = 0;

  $value += 1;

    return $value;






echo staticfun(), "\n";




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